These are my digital skills
I've worked on multiple personal web projects, most successful being FocusTube. I use technologies and Languages like React JS, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Firebase and Rapid API.
I've worked on a few personal apps here and there. Most proud work being FocusTube! I use technologies and languages like React Native and Android Studio.
I love socialising and building / maintianing communities and audience based projects. I am currently a co-leader in an up and coming gamers clan and has experience being a MOD for various projects.
This is one of my best app. FocusTube is a distraction free version of youtube that allows users to access ONLY the educational and productive content of youtube. Built using React JS, and YouTubes API using Rapid API.
Just a Basic 2 person video call website built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and peep to peer handshake for hosting calls.
A basic 3D AR experience of the Solar System build using HTML, CSS and A-frame for the web AR experience.
It is a classic 3-D FPS shooter game that I made using lua in Roblox. In this game, your mission is to eliminate all the zombies in that game and keep yourself alive!
I'm a 17 year old dude....currently in my final year of highschool. Check out FocusTube. I work on personal projects here and there for fun. Most fluent with react js. DM me web/app ideas :) People give u crap in life or you've ever messed up ? Been there, just know that God loves u regardless. Have a blessed day mate :)
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