
My Name is

Daniel Thomas


These are my digital skills

Web Development

I've worked on multiple personal web projects, most successful being FocusTube. I use technologies and Languages like React JS, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Firebase and Rapid API.

Android app development

I've worked on a few personal apps here and there. Most proud work being FocusTube! I use technologies and languages like React Native and Android Studio.

Community and Project Managemnt

I love socialising and building / maintianing communities and audience based projects. I am currently a co-leader in an up and coming gamers clan and has experience being a MOD for various projects.

These are my Top Projects

Top 1


This is one of my best app. FocusTube is a distraction free version of youtube that allows users to access ONLY the educational and productive content of youtube. Built using React JS, and YouTubes API using Rapid API.


Top 2

See Me Duo

Just a Basic 2 person video call website built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and peep to peer handshake for hosting calls.


Top 3

Visual 3D Solar System

A basic 3D AR experience of the Solar System build using HTML, CSS and A-frame for the web AR experience.


Top 4

Combat Stike X

It is a classic 3-D FPS shooter game that I made using lua in Roblox. In this game, your mission is to eliminate all the zombies in that game and keep yourself alive!


About me

My aim is to build something huge ig

I'm a 17 year old dude....currently in my final year of highschool. Check out FocusTube. I work on personal projects here and there for fun. Most fluent with react js. DM me web/app ideas :) People give u crap in life or you've ever messed up ? Been there, just know that God loves u regardless. Have a blessed day mate :)

Hey, Thanks for visiting my site!

Contact info


Username: jacksortttt



